Phaidon editor Ellen Christie with a copy of The World We Made

Introducing The World We Made

Phaidon editor Ellen Christie previews our Jonathon Porritt title offering a bright, optimistic vision of sustainability


The World We Made shows us an exciting future that is within our reach, envisioning how a genuinely sustainable world could look if we face the challenges arising right now. It is the story of our narrator from 2050, Alex McKay, whose part-history, part-personal memoir charts the key events, technological breakthroughs and lifestyle revolutions that make the world what it is in 2050. The breadth of topics ranges from urban farming to robotics, global financial recovery to combatting malaria, and slow travel to the energy internet, all richly illustrated with futuristic imagery, infographics and hand drawn sketches. All royalties will go to support the work of Forum for the Future, one of the world’s leading non-profit organisations working towards a sustainable future.





The World We Made is printed on 100% recycled paper stock, as approved by the Forest Stewardship Council. This stock was produced by Arjowiggins, Europe's leading manufacturers of high-grade recycled paper. We selected high-bulk, low-weight paper, which reduces resource and distribution costs. The book was then printed by Pureprint in East Sussex, UK, using vegetable-based inks and oil, which are, in turn, better for the environment. The book's carbon footprint is only 1.8kg of CO2 per book, in comparison to most paperbacks, which cause between 10 and 30 kilograms of CO2 to be created during their manufacture. In total, the CarbonNeutral Company calculates that 29,022kg of CO2 has been released into the atmosphere in the production of The World We Made. Even this might be an overestimate, as CarbonNeutral assumes every copy of the book will end up in landfill, rather than being kept and treasured, or recycled. Nevertheless, these remaining emissions have been offset by an investment in the Lifestraw Carbon for Water Project in Kenya's Western Province, a UN-endorsed undertaking, which cuts carbon emissions and provides clean drinking water for four and a half million people.





Paperback | 245 x 172 mm

320 pages | 185 images | 0.7 kg






For the last 40 years, Jonathon Porritt (founder of Forum for the Future, a global sustainability non-profit) has tried every conceivable way of persuading people to share his excitement at the prospect of a genuinely sustainable world - as Chair of the Green Party, Director of Friends of the Earth, author, broadcaster, Chair of the UK Sustainable Development Commission, and now, since 1996, as Founder Director of Forum for the Future. In addition, he is Co-Director of The Prince of Wales's Business and Sustainability Programme which runs seminars for senior executives around the world; he is a Non-Executive Director of Wessex Water, and of Willmott Dixon Holdings; and he is a Trustee of the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, as well as involved in the work of many NGOs and charities as Patron, Chair or Special Adviser. Jonathon received a CBE in January 2000 for services to environmental protection.



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