Phaidon Atlas talks at designjunction
If you're interested in architecture and you're in London check out our two talks at designjunction this Thursday
Fresh from his standing room only success at the recent Lisbon Triennale, Phaidon Atlas Editor Jean-Francois Goyette will be hosting two more Phaidon Atlas talks - this time in London - at designjunction tomorrow, Thursday (19th).
The first, Digital Craft, starts at 1.30pm and will look at how computer generated processes help achieve customised building elements and detailing. JF will be debating the issue with Philip Marsh from dRMM, Angie Abbink from Abbink X co and Mikkel Frost from CEBRA.
Following that, at 3pm Jean-Francois will discuss urbanism, micro architecture and the social realm of the city with Jakub Szczensny from Centrala, Jay Gort from Gort Scott Architects and Hugh Broughton from Hugh Broughton Architects. Both talks are free and take place at designjunction, The Sorting Office, 21-31 New Oxford Street, WC1A 1BA.
You might like to know a litle more about the Phaidon Atlas project. Quite simply, The Phaidon Atlas is the comprehensive, authoritative global resource for sharing good architecture. A curated and growing online survey of contemporary architecture, it features previously unpublished drawings, details and photographs that showcase the most exceptional projects of the 21st century. Check out the Phaidon Atlas beta here. If you're a Phaidon club member and would like to know more about Phaidon events look out for our newsletter tomorrow. If you're not a member you can find out more about Phaidon Club and join here.