The phantasmagorical world of Vasily Klyukin
Has this Russian-born banker turned design dilettante created the architectural equivalent of outsider art?
The 39-year-old Billionaire banker, real-estate developer, philanthropist and science-fiction novelist, Vasily Klyukin, is a man keen to share his talents with the world. As the Russian-born Monaco resident told Forbes magazine earlier this year “one day I decided I needed to live every day as my last day. It is the only way to devalue money in your brain.”
To that end, he has been designing some highly unusual buildings. While his creations may lack planning approval, and, in one or two cases, a clear purpose, they remain some of the wildest designs ever committed to a CAD file. Has Klyukin created the architectural equivalent of Outsider Art? Read on and judge for yourself.
Asian Cobra Tower (main photo) “In Japan, telling someone that he is a snake means a compliment. In China snakes and dragons often mean the same,” says Klyukin. “The symbol of wisdom and eternal life, this tower would embellish any Eastern city.” The Asian Cobra Tower boasts a nightclub on its uppermost floor and the capacity to change colour.
Sexy Tower NYC “This concept is very extravagant, even for the modern World,” the architect explains, referring to this sculptural addition to lower Manhattan’s skyline. “Someone will be shocked by this idea, someone will find it beautiful and sexy, someone - vulgar, but everybody, without an exception, would want to observe such a tower or visit it at least once in a lifetime.” He adds: “I personally would like to live in this tower.”
Andy Warhol’s Villa “It's impossible not to recognize this hairstyle,” writes the architect in relation to this design, inspired by the late pop artist’s spiky hair. “The villa itself, besides the roof, does not differ from the majority of modern buildings."
Top Secret Agent Villa Klyukin channels the glamour of the Bond movies in this creation, a 007-themed retreat for a well-heeled superspy. “The real surroundings of this house are not known to me,” he explains. “That is why I modeled what could be the best fit for it - the quiet and secluded place away from the prying eyes.”
Venus Classical Elegance meets contemporary architecture in this unusual skyscraper. Klyukin does not provide a great deal of detail, but does capture the spirit of the structure: “In our life, another beautiful woman can appear. She will meet you on evenings and accompany you to work on mornings and won’t arouse jealousy.”
NIKA " With glory at the wings, And feeling of the game, So many heroes passed,To bring their city fame," Klyukin writes.
To view these and many more, visit Klyukin's site; for greater insight into art outside the established system get Raw Creation and Wild Art; for more contemporary architecture on a smaller but eaually innovative scale, get Nanotecture.