New David Bowie single and video The Stars Are Out Tonight with Floria Sigismondi and Tilda Swinton
David Bowie has worked with Italian born, Canada-based photographer and video artist Floria Sigismondi for the video to his latest single, The Stars Are Out Tonight. Sigismondi has previously appeared in exhibitions alongside Joel-Peter Witkin, Cindy Sherman and Francesco Clemente and has created videos for art-aware acts such as The White Stripes, Muse, Bjork and Sigur Ros among others.
The video casts Bowie as a middle aged man, happily married to a wife played by Tilda Swinton. Once again the video references various points in Bowie's career. Sharp eyed-Bowie fans will doubtless spot more but here's a few we noticed on the first run through.
The Man Who Fell To Earth is referenced in the shop scene at the start. Bowie's Thin White Duke character makes an appearance early on and the limousine that follows the couple down the road looks like it's been driven straight off the set of Nic Roeg's 1976 film.
We'll be bringing you a very illuminating interview with Geoffrey Marsh, the curator of The forthcoming Bowie show at the V&A, "David Bowie Is', at the end of this week. For now watch the video: