Take a look at our New For '19 books!
Our spring 2019 list of new titles is ready to launch - we think you'll be impressed. . .
If you’re a follower of our instagram PhaidonSnaps and PhaidonFood you’ll have caught sneak previews of many of our new releases for 2019. But if you don’t want to wait for our instagram posts you can see the full list of our spring releases on our landing page here.
We think it’s the strongest list we’ve ever published (but we would, wouldn’t we?) And we’ll be bringing you plenty of stories on the books – many of which are firsts for Phaidon (in particular, our exciting new book Interiors) in the coming months and throughout the year. Look out for lots of new videos on our YouTube Channel too.
We’re excited about too many of them to pick out favourites from the bunch. But take a look in the store and we’re sure you’ll find your own particular choice to keep you pleasantly and meaningfully occupied this year.
Oh and one more thing. Whenever you can, please buy the books from the people who make them, Phaidon.