Arnaud Lapierre's mirror images
Up and coming design star enthrals Paris with zoetrope-like installation
We've had a soft spot for French designer Arnaud Lapierre since he first caught our eye back in 2009, when his ultra modern circular lamp Acueil, won first prize in the category at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair in New York.
His latest work, Ring, created for FIAC 2011 (France's international contemporary art show), was on show in Paris this month (October 20-23) and quite literally reflects the talent of this young designer. The installation (Lapierre's first al fresco design) took the form of a 4m high cylinder composed of mirrored cubes and was positioned in the prestigious Place Vendôme. The work was created in collaboration with Audi. He was awarded the Audi Talents prize for another impressive light-feature, The Field, earlier this year.
The mirrored surface of the installation reflected fractured images of both the surrounding grand architecture as well as the sky, creating a stunning if disorientating mosaic. Visitors stepped inside the cylinder to see their own image infinitely multiplied on the walls.
If you didn't get a chance to see Ring during its brief stay in Vendôme Square in Paris, don't worry. Arnaud told us earlier today that Ring is set to appear at several art fairs around Europe in the coming months.
We were also pleased to hear that he is currently working on a new lamp design with interiors company Cinna.