Quiet Motion by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec

Watch the Bouroullec Brothers' electric carousels

The brothers just sent Phaidon.com a video of their Quiet Motion installation at this year's Milan Furniture Fair

The highlights of international art and design fairs are thrilling, but brief. So it's nice that, every so often, one of the creators of these spectacles preserves their work. We received an email from Phaidon authors the Bouroullec Brothers earlier today, with a link to their new short film which features their Milan Furniture Fair installation, Quiet Motion.



This set of quietly turning carousels were opened to the public at the Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale in Milan during the annual design fair back in April. Fashioned from cork, carbon fibre, fiberglass, and lined with leather, the Quiet Motion rides are made from the same materials as the BMWi vehicles. Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec added their own distinctive design flourishes, such as fitting their own recently launched commercially AIM lamps to the carousels.

While they might look like fairground rides, the overall effect is one of quiet contemplation, not unlike the quality of a ride in an electric Bimmer. We're impressed by them, both as a worthy bit of branding from BMWi, and as a great design outing for the inestimable talents of the Bouroullecs.



Find out more about this here. For details of the brothers' show currently on in Paris, go here, and to fully appreciate their professional development and reach, please take a look at our comprehensive design monograph.

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