Artists and designers join Hillary's 45 Pin Project
Pentagram partners Michael Bierut and Paula Scher work alongside 43 other talents in a big button drive
While there is a place for Facebook canvassing and Twitter campaigning in contemporary politics, current presidential candidates are also employing older, better-established ways of winning votes and support.
The 45 Pin Project is a collection of buttons (badges) designed by 45 US artists and designers supporting Hillary Clinton. Rather than stick to simple campaign messages the badges offer participants a little more latitude, allowing each contributor to "create button designs that embody why they support Hillary."

Pentagram partner Michael Bierut, who designed the official campaign logo, contributed a simple, eye-catching Hi! design, while fellow Pentagramer Paula Scher digs a little deeper with her arrows marked Unity, Progress and Empathy.

Other contributions come from Seattle poster designer Robynne Raye, whose hand-drawn designs recall an earlier era of political messaging; Polish-American designer Agnieszka Gasparska, whose work highlights the other countries around the world that have already elected female leaders; and a charming Pantsuits for President design from New York trio Marianna Fierro, Julia Zeltser and Deroy Peraza of the Hyperakt design studio.

The buttons, which are union-made in the USA and sold through the official Clinton store, are available now as individual sets priced at $5, or as a $100 set, for truly committed politics and graphics fans.

For more on political graphics of a slightly more aggressive nature, take a look at Visual Impact, and for a definitive study of a pioneering figure in American graphic design take a look at our Paul Rand book.