Madrid Fusion's Lourdes Plana with chef Massimo Bottura and his new award

Massimo Bottura wins Chef of the Year

Find out how the Michelin-starred Italian chef won Madrid Fusion's top award for his Milanese soup kitchen

The Spanish international gastronomy congress, Madrid Fusion, has a reputation for showcasing the newest culinary innovations. Since 2003, the event has recognised the novel and pioneering work of Ferran Adrià, Alex Atala, Heston Blumenthal, Andoni Luis Aduriz and Daniel Patterson.

Yet this year, Massimo Bottura won the event’s coveted European Chef of the Year award for his enterprising work with not new, but slightly old food.

The event’s organisers gave Bottura the award for his 2015 Milan Expo project, Refettorio Ambrosiano, which saw the chef and his team collect, re-cook and serve leftover portions from the Expo's restaurants to the city’s poor.

While it may have served the same function as a soup kitchen, the food was anything but lowly; star chefs such as René Redzepi dropped by the Refettorio to rework the unwanted food into brilliant new dishes.


René Redzepi and Bottura with the staff at Refettorio Ambrosiano. Image courtesy of Bottura's Instagram
René Redzepi and Bottura with the staff at Refettorio Ambrosiano. Image courtesy of Bottura's Instagram

So, congratulations to Massimo for the award, and to Madrid Fusion, for spotting another great culinary innovation. For more on Massimo's life and work buy Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef here, and check back soon for news of our forthcoming book, dedicated to Bottura’s Refettorio.