Kidman enjoying insects in her new Vanity Fair video

What's bugging Nicole Kidman?

The Big Little Lies star is a secret insect eater - watch her chomp bugs and compare crickets to 'a hairy nut'

The award-winning actress, Oscars nominee, UNICEF ambassador and a Companion in the Order of Australia, Nicole Kidman, has just added another notable talent to her resumé: eating insects.

In a new episode in the Youtube series Vanity Fair’s Secret Talent Theatre, the Hawaii-born Australian actress munches her way through mealworms, saying they have a “fruity taste”; as well as some crickets which she describes as “awesome, like a hairy nut”. Grasshoppers, meanwhile, are “exquisite – I recommend them to anyone.”


Nicole Kidman eats some bugs
Nicole Kidman eats some bugs

Capturing an A-lister chowing down on such an unusual repast is quite a scoop, though apparently it's not the first time Kidman has eaten bugs on camera. In an interview last year the actress revealed that her first film role, Bush Christmas, released back in 1983, called for her to eat witchetty grubs (moth larvae). Some kids might have been put off the role, but Kidman, though then just a teenager, later recalled "I wanted to eat them! I was excited to do that.”


Nicole Kidman bugs

Good on you, Nicole. To discover how to source, prepare and eat insects such as these, order a copy of our book, Eating Insects, here; for more on Kidman's talents order a copy of Nicole Kidman: Anatomy of an Actor.