Ed Kashi Instagrams
VII Photo Agency photographer shoots a bunch of Instagram images on his iPhone during Aspen photo workshop
The VII Photo agency photographers are not unfamiliar with apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic, indeed they had an exhibition of their iPhone photos in New York at the beginning of the year, so when founding member of the agency Ed Kashi took over the New Yorker's Instagram feed we knew there would be something great.
Kashi, who's based in New Jersey travelled to Aspen via Colorado to lead a photography workshop and along the way photographed everything from the tree covered landscape, the rodeo and portaloos to a self portrait on his flight home complete with air stewardess.
“Photography has dominated my life for more than 35 years, so the ability to make images anywhere without the cumbersome equipment that I normally work with is liberating," he told the New Yorker about using an iPhone for the images.