London Bridge - Franck Allais

Franck Allais subverts the city

French photographer's new series Subverting The City to debut at his first solo London show next month

French photographer Franck Allais is fast becoming one of our favourite photographers here at through his quirky, eye-catching, occasionally disturbing and always thought-provoking images for Guardian Weekend, Telegraph magazine and Glamour among others.


Mansion House Place EC4 - Franck Allais
Mansion House Place EC4 - Franck Allais

A couple of months back we featured his clever Weight Of Words series of photographs in which he photographed the branded cars, vans and lorries that passed through a particular neighbourhood in a set time period. Once he'd captured his shots he erased the vehicles from the photographs but kept their logos and markings 'hanging' in mid-air. 


Houston Casualty Company - Franck Allais
Houston Casualty Company - Franck Allais

Now he has his first ever show in London next month at which he'll present a new series of photographs. Last month he told us: “I like the challenge of making something interesting out of something ordinary. Really I’m just trying to get people to question what they normally see.”


Byward Sreet EC3 - Franck Allais
Byward Sreet EC3 - Franck Allais

Well, as you can see, the new photographic series, called Subverting The City (the third part of his ongoing In Passing project), are firmly in this ahem, camp. Like Weight Of Words you can see what he's done here, yet the result still surprises.


Bucklersbury Street EC4 - Franck Allais
Bucklersbury Street EC4 - Franck Allais

Allais has described his work as "playful" and "disturbing". Find out where you stand by visiting his website and visiting KK Outlet in Hoxton Square between February 8 -26. 


Queen Victoria Street EC4 - Franck Allais
Queen Victoria Street EC4 - Franck Allais