One & Other Numbers: with Alexander CalderPhaidon Editors

Price AUD$19.95 Price CAD$19.95 Price £9.95 Price €11.95 Price USD$14.95 Price T14.95

Practice counting using some of the most famous sculptures in the world!

One & Other Numbers features sculptures by master sculptor Alexander Calder. Calder’s playful and often vibrant abstract shapes are highly appealing to young readers and the accompanying text cleverly teaches quantity, a vital early-learning concept. Children will not only grow more familiar with numbers and quantity, but also with the artist and his work.

Alexander Calder is one of the world’s most celebrated sculptors. Best known as the inventor of the mobile, Calder redefined sculpture through introducing the element of movement to his works. In addition to his mobiles, Calder also created static sculptures, called ‘stabiles’, as well as paintings, costumes, and much more besides.

Each title in this must-own series of artful read-aloud board uses masterpieces by celebrated artists to teach one of the top early-learning concepts for toddlers. Each concept is explored playfully through a curated selection of beautifully reproduced artworks while the accompanying text enriches the experience with witty, conversational commentary and an ‘about the artist’ text. Companion books in this series feature the art of Pablo Picasso, Ellsworth Kelly, Henri Matisse, and Josef Albers.

Age range: 1-3 years Specifications:

  • Format: Board Book
  • Size: 204 × 178 mm (8 × 7 in)
  • Pages: 30 pp
  • Illustrations: 30 illustrations
  • ISBN: 9781838669614

Phaidon Editors

'Here's another in this fine Phaidon series ... Like the other titles in series [...] it's a substantial board book just right for very young readers plus – for adults – a list of the works illustrated ... This is certainly a book that children and adults can use together. The Calder mobiles, both hanging and freestanding make very bold and appealing images to catch the attention, and the text introduces simple number games based on the sculptures illustrated on that page ... There's humour as well ... If you've acquired any of the other titles in this series then this will certainly be a worthy addition to your collection, and if you haven't, then it can be a good place to start.' – Montessori International

'[A] lovely, well-curated collection of Calder's work.' – Kirkus

'Aside from being nice and mathy, it's actually quite engaging and beautiful.' – Fuse8 blog